Sunday, September 21, 2008

Friends, inspiration, and other sappy observations...

First of all, let me just begin by saying that reading Randy Pausch's The Last Lecture should be a life requirement. I'm adding that to my Life Requirements list. #1). Bootie dance in your car at least once per week. #2) Read The Last Lecture. I am putting this book on my Christmas List. (Take note Mom.) Being that if I bought every book I read, I would have to take out a home equity loan, I normally take advantage of the free services of our local library. However, this one is a keeper. In fact, I would do well to have a copy in my car, on my desk at work, and in my bedside table drawer. It's THAT good. I would love to list all my favorite quotes from the book, but if I did, it would be pretty much the whole thing. Just go out and get yourself a copy.

Since I'm waxing all sappy, let me just go on to say a word about friendship and family. My mom is a pretty smart lady. She's my seemingly impossible to replicate example for life. I could not go into the amount of sacrifices she has made for me in my lifetime. (If I did, it would probably just embarrass her anyway, so I won't bother.) All that being said, her life experiences have given her a lot of good wisdom to share. I wasn't so much able to appreciate it earlier in my life, but now that I have my own family, I'm beginning to realize the great value she has to offer. Perhaps the most influential statement she has made to me recently is, "Your family is who you choose it to be." This has proven itself to be true, and now that I know what to look for, I am seeing it more and more. I did not have any sisters growing up, but karma has seen fit to put two in my life now. Just this weekend, we got to spend some time with some of our closest friends. It is a miracle to me to watch my son interact with his not-quite-biological "auntie and uncle", along, of course, with the Lil' Diva. I don't have any sisters, but if I could have hand-picked myself a couple, one would be Ames. She is one of the most fiercely loyal, honest, and caring women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. And Lil' C adores her. Remember me describing THE BEDTIME WARS? Scattered showers compared to the hurricane that blows through when you try to take him away from her. When she watches him for us, he will cheerfully chirp, "Bye-Bye Momm-ieeeee", before he turns to get back to whatever they are playing. I came to pick him up one evening to find him snuggled up with Ames in the recliner, sound asleep. "Did he scream? Was it awful?" I nervously asked. With a nonchalant shrug, she replied, "Nah, he got his sippy and just curled up and went to sleep". He looked like a happy little cat. At least once a day, he will lead BabyDaddy or I to the door and look up hopefully at us. "Aim-ee? Jac-ub?? Ab-iiieeee?" God love his little heart.

The other "might-as-well-be-a-sister" who deserves some floor-time, is Auntie Jess. She is the picture of the quirky, fun-loving, contagious laughing auntie that every child should have. She, like Ames, would fight to the death for you. (I've found that a lot of people will come in and out of your life, but only a few will be there when you really need it, and these two women would.) It was great to spend time watching Jess and Lil' C "skip rocks" at the river last weekend. Not that there was a lot of skipping going on, no offense Jess.

So, whether they like it or not, these people will forever be "my family". And do you know why? Because my mom says so. That means it just IS. :)

1 comment:

  1. Awww, this makes me want to cry. I love that little guy. You know Lil' Diva may have a plan, we can just switch kids for the day and I think that they would both be fine. Tell little man I will see him tomorrow at the circus.
