Saturday, August 30, 2008


For me, summer officially draws to a close on September 1, and then we are on to fall. Last night, we were all in our back yard, watching Lil' C try to "pat the fishies" in our goldfish pond, when I realized how cool it was getting. BabyDaddy and I are both "fall people", so there's usually not a great deal of sadness in our house when summer is over -- Fall means hot apple cider, hayrides and pumpkin patches, hoodie sweatshirts, and most importantly, (at least in BabyDaddy's small world), deer season. (Insert cave-man snort and beating of chest -- all I can do is roll my eyes, and wait patiently for the testosterone surges to subside...) However, this summer has been a little different. Surprisingly, I am a little sad to see it go. Looking back -- the best of Summer 2008:

Popsicle Days and Sprinkler Afternoons

There is nothing better than sitting on your back steps with the sun shining on your face, and a cherry popsicle dripping down your arm. Popsicle days have become a tradition in our family this summer. Every evening, Lil' C would lead one of us to the kitchen, point up to the freezer, and say, "POP-SEE!" We would all get our popsicles and go outside, where he would "seat" us in a line on the steps, like a row of Russian nesting dolls. I kept picturing that scene in Forest Gump, where he and his son are sitting on the floor in the exact same position, with their heads tilted the exact same way. It would have made for an amusing picture.

The State Fair
Another time honored tradition in this family is the State Fair. This year was no exception, and we loaded up and headed out for a day of complete gluttony, carnival games, and fun. Between his inflatable Sponge Bob, his Batman doll (won by picking up the most expensive rubber duck I've ever heard of -- Thanks, Grandpa J), and the dancing pigs, the fair definitely delivered.

Sidewalk Art

Whoever invented sidewalk chalk will forever have my undying love and affection. And God bless the person who took that chalk, and decided to sell it in a huge tub for a dollar at Big Lot's. I cannot tell you how many hours we have spent outside creating mini-Picasso's on our sidewalks. Often I experience little moments in time when I realize that I am completely happy. I've had several of those moments this summer sitting on the concrete with my son and naming the colors in the rainbow.

The Beach

This summer, we had our first real, official, one-whole-week family vacation at the beach. We realized several things -- one of which is that during vacation, all bets are off. This means that there will be no naps, no healthy snacks, and there is no such thing as going to bed on time. I can't wait until next year!

Farm Talks (and River Bottoms)

Being able to see my son spend time with my grandfather this summer has been amazing -- a man who was so important to me as a child (and continues to be), is now a central part in the life of my son. Lil' C loves his "Pa" with a passion. (It makes for an interesting sermon when he sees Pa head for the pulpit to preach and tries to run after him screaming, "Pa! PAAAA!".) The most special times for me this summer were spent down in the river bottom with Pa -- along with Nanny, Nana, and Grampa J. Lil' C has no clue no how important these individuals will become to him later in life, just as I didn't know when I was small. Because I realize that every single moment spent together with them is a gift, I am that much more dedicated to savoring every second, (and making sure there are lots of seconds to savor).

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