Monday, August 25, 2008

Attempting to expel your bodily fluids during a movie is rude....

We made the trek home to God’s Country this weekend --

Our first stop was to visit our Canadian cousins, who were having a reception for Bebe’ T. Well, visit is a generous word, as I didn’t get to “visit” very much. I spent the majority of my time corralling Lil’ C. (“Please don’t climb on the chairs.” ** “Put down that fork!” ** “Get out from under the table.” ** “Those are NOT your presents!”) Still, chasing aside, I did get to spend some QT time with everyone, which was really nice. Bebe’ T is such a cutie! That new baby smell is intoxicating – toward the end of the visit, BabyDaddy ordered me to give him back to Ches. “I don’t like that look…” he told me. “What look?” I asked. “That sparkly, ‘I wanna’ look. Give him back!” **SIGH** Ah, well, the time for numero two will come when it comes. It was good to see them all, although I’m sure that I was not a very entertaining guest. I had a hellacious sinus headache (one of the unfortunate side effects of God’s Country), and was trying hard not to look like I was constantly squinting at everyone.

After we left the cousins, BabyDaddy and I got an unexpected treat -- A date night! Mom offered to watch the boys (my nephew was down as well), and so we scampered off to dinner and a movie. Things were going along splendidly, until about 3 minutes into the previews, when I realized that Larry the Cable Guy was sitting behind us. The rest of the movie (we watched Batman, and yes, I liked it.) was punctuated with a series of guttural interjections from Larry. First, it seemed he had a bit of a mucous issue – he spent a great deal of time hacking, snorting, and hawking, with several claps on the chest thrown in for good measure. On top of that, every car crash, fight scene, and explosion, (remember, it was Batman, so there were a lot of the above), was met with a hearty, “Day-yum!” or “Well, ‘e really got um that time!”, or “Lookit all that far (fire) – that Batman gitz um ever time…”. I had to bite my lip not to start jumping up and down and screaming profanities at him. He looked the type that wouldn’t be above starting a scene in public, and I really wanted to see the end of the movie, so we just sat it out. Toward the very end, every time he choked out another wad of whatever it was, I had the uncontrollable urge to giggle. People were being blown up, and there I was, laughing so hard my stomach was hurting. People probably thought I was nuts. We finished the movie, and luckily didn’t run into Larry on the way out.

Loving on Nanny -- notice Grampa's usual Sunday afternoon pose...
All the kiddos!

Isn't he the sweetest?

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