Wednesday, July 16, 2008

**Hands over Eyes** I don't see any files, do you??

How can one person have so much to do, and just not care? I know someone who can. ME! That’s exactly where I was today. I have a stack of files about two feet deep on my desk, (I mean literally -- a coworker and I measured. Isn’t that sad?), and an obscene amount of emails left over from vacation that I still haven’t replied to. (I believe my clients were getting a little desperate. One of the gentlemen I’m working with lives in Jordan, and I got an email from him today that said, and I quote,

“Megan – Please to have you contact me ASAP. Please have best day. I appreciate.
Thank you. Hope hear from you most soon.”

I kid you not. That is verbatim. I love the guy to death, but as you can tell, he gets a bit anxious. The more anxious he gets, the worse his English becomes. It can be pretty comical, as you might guess.

I called home today at lunch and the Muffin was finger painting with ketchup. BabyDaddy is HORRIBLE with discipline, and this somehow always ends up biting ME in the arse. Mommy becomes “the dirty witch who won’t let me eat the green crayon”… When BD is babysitting however, all bets are off. Want to run naked through the house all day? Share your popsicle with the dog? (The nasty one that licks his butt all the time no less…) Prefer to spend your time eating toothpaste? Then BabyDaddy is your man!

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