Saturday, July 26, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese is a dirty fraud...

I was talking to another young mama yesterday about the hardships of working mothers. I feel like I miss out on so much. Especially now -- I feel like the bebe’ (who is not really a bebe’ anymore – I’ve got to come up with a new name…) is learning at warp speed. It seems that some times, just in the span of eight hours, he has totally changed. The other day, I came home from work, kicked off my heels, and heard a little voice say “I gun geeeeeeeeeeeeeshhhhuuuuuuuu!!!!” This was followed by hysterical laughter as the Muffin attacked my shins. I looked at BabyDaddy. “What did he just say?” BD just smiled, and with a shrug said, “He said ‘I’m gonna get you’. He learned that today.” Holy cow! My little man has a three-word phrase!! It’s amazing to me how fast he processes things. At the risk of being labeled an Attention Whore, (which I am), I was working on the Muffin's baby book yesterday, and I made a list of all the words he can say. I stopped at 103. :) He can also identify four shapes, (circle, triangle, square, and heart), three colors, (green, blue, red), and can spell his name on command. "Cee-AAyyy-Deee-EEEeee-NNNNNnnn". (Mommy: What does that spell buddy? Muffin: MEEEEEeeeee!!)

Last night we went to Chuck E. Cheese --I know I swore I’d never return, but yesterday a commercial came on Noggin’ for the place, and the Muffin started jumping up and down and screaming “Chu Cheeeeeee!! Chu Cheeeeee!”, and then he grabbed my hand and took me to the door. How do you resist that? So, BD and I loaded up and headed downtown. It actually wasn’t too crowded, so we had a good time. We were getting ready to go, and I told the Muffin we had to go home now. He ran to the nearest poster of Chuck E. Cheese and began to wave. “Bye-Bye Chuuu Cheeeee!” I love it. I just plain stinking love it. However, what I did NOT love, was that 482 tickets buys you either a Spider Ring or a Pixie Stick. Give me a break! Dirty old rat…

We have air by the way. That very same day last weekend, my Uncle-in-Law (I guess that’s right) sent one of his guys over to fix it. Thank God it was only the constructor/constrictor/something or other, and not the more expensive compressor/compactor/something or other. It ended up costing us more for the service call than the actual part, but, believe me, I was NOT complaining. It could have been a lot worse -- At that point I was just happy to feel cool air blowing on my face, and even more happy not to be writing a check with multiple zeros.

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