Monday, July 28, 2008
It's pretty much an art.
He started to cry for us to put him back in the crib, so he could show us his skills.
Bebe C' (aka Houdini)
I discovered his new trick -- needless to say, he now has a big-boy bed.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Chuck E. Cheese is a dirty fraud...
Last night we went to Chuck E. Cheese --I know I swore I’d never return, but yesterday a commercial came on Noggin’ for the place, and the Muffin started jumping up and down and screaming “Chu Cheeeeeee!! Chu Cheeeeee!”, and then he grabbed my hand and took me to the door. How do you resist that? So, BD and I loaded up and headed downtown. It actually wasn’t too crowded, so we had a good time. We were getting ready to go, and I told the Muffin we had to go home now. He ran to the nearest poster of Chuck E. Cheese and began to wave. “Bye-Bye Chuuu Cheeeee!” I love it. I just plain stinking love it. However, what I did NOT love, was that 482 tickets buys you either a Spider Ring or a Pixie Stick. Give me a break! Dirty old rat…
We have air by the way. That very same day last weekend, my Uncle-in-Law (I guess that’s right) sent one of his guys over to fix it. Thank God it was only the constructor/constrictor/something or other, and not the more expensive compressor/compactor/something or other. It ended up costing us more for the service call than the actual part, but, believe me, I was NOT complaining. It could have been a lot worse -- At that point I was just happy to feel cool air blowing on my face, and even more happy not to be writing a check with multiple zeros.
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Katy Perry - I Kissed a Girl (Official Video)
**WARNING** -- Listen to this at least once, and you will be singing the chorus all day. So, if you're planning to go to church tomorrow, or have small children, DO NOT PLAY THIS.
Friday, July 18, 2008
I Kissed a Girl (Not really)
BD and I are trying to make plans for the weekend. Well, truthfully, I’m trying to make plans for the weekend, and will notify BD of my decision when I reach it. I haven’t seen Mom for weeks and weeks it seems, but we can’t travel to the country, as BD has to work Sunday. Plus, it’s Jesus-Time down there. The annual revival has been going on all week, and will probably continue through the weekend. For those that are a bit rusty on your SCC (Southern Conservative Christian) lingo, a revival is a weeklong smorgasbord of preachin’, singin’, and eatin’. I haven’t heard of any of our churches here in the city having revivals (let me know if you do – maybe my church is just slacking). Trust me, if you’ve never been to one, and by “one”, I do mean the WHOLE revival – every night, the whole week – it’s quite an exhausting event. So, Mom and the gang wouldn’t really be able to hang out much anyhow. All that being said, I really need to clean the house; I’ve actually been pretty decent at keeping everything picked up until the last couple of nights (Big Brother, Last Comic Standing, and So You Think You Can Dance all had their elimination shows), but that can be taken care of Sunday when BD is at work. Lord knows I’ll be bored as crap then….. **Sigh**
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
**Hands over Eyes** I don't see any files, do you??

“Megan – Please to have you contact me ASAP. Please have best day. I appreciate.
Thank you. Hope hear from you most soon.”
I kid you not. That is verbatim. I love the guy to death, but as you can tell, he gets a bit anxious. The more anxious he gets, the worse his English becomes. It can be pretty comical, as you might guess.
I called home today at lunch and the Muffin was finger painting with ketchup. BabyDaddy is HORRIBLE with discipline, and this somehow always ends up biting ME in the arse. Mommy becomes “the dirty witch who won’t let me eat the green crayon”… When BD is babysitting however, all bets are off. Want to run naked through the house all day? Share your popsicle with the dog? (The nasty one that licks his butt all the time no less…) Prefer to spend your time eating toothpaste? Then BabyDaddy is your man!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Playing in the Ocean for the First Time
The Muffin's fave beach activity was jumping the waves with BD!
I JUST don't understand....
Caden LOVED playing in the sand. He had been watching BD making castles, he just couln't get why he couldn't get a castle to come out of that darn thing!
Monday's are the crulest invention.....
As for our vacation, did I say it was fabulous? Completely, one hundred percent, this-close-to-perfection? I feel okay falling all over myself because I deserve it. Need I remind you about Hurricane Wilma on my Honeymoon? Or the Anniversary visit to New York and me with the world’s nastiest flu? Hmph. Like I said, I deserve it. And, I’m completely grateful for it. The Muffin gave new meaning to the phrase “party like a rock star”. He put me to shame, which is a little alarming, I think. His favorite phrases from the week were “Beasshh (“beach”) Mama! Beash NOW!” and “NO NAP!” So, what did we do? We partied like rock stars! We played, we ate, we swam, we ate again, we walked the Strip, we swam some more, ate some more, and then, usually around 11pm or 11:30pm, we collapsed. And the bebe’ was awake and raring to go through the lot of it. Did I mention I was sick when I went to work this morning? Yeah, I’m still there a little bit. I’m sure it will be a while before I’m back to normal, unfortunately for those who work near me, as I was in a near state of catatonia today. I expect to be only marginally more useful tomorrow.

Saturday, July 5, 2008
Not that I'm boasting...

Friday, July 4, 2008
Summer Fun
Other than me saying "Woo-hoo!" an obscene amount of times, (BabyDaddy and I counted six I think), it's a cute video!! :)
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Weak of heart, turn away. (This means you Mom) TMI to follow...
Me: **Yawn** Well, I’m headed to bed…
BabyDaddy: (Deeply engrossed in Perfect Dark on Xbox 360) Okay.
BD: Yeah, okay. G’night. Love you.
Me: All right, well, do you think you’ll be following sometime soon?
BD: Headshot – yes!! Crap, who the heck is sniping me??!! (frantically waving his controller in the air) Oh, sorry babe, what did you say?
Me: **Rolling Eyes** Are you coming to bed any time soon?
BD: Oh, yeah. I’ll be right in.
Determined to wait up for him, I take my book with me and read for a good 45 minutes until I finally hear him shut off the TV. He comes in, brushes his teeth, gives me a chaste peck on the forehead, a “love you Meg”, and then promptly turns over on his side. Excuse me??!!! I clear my throat, thrash about a bit, and then give an enormous huff/sigh. Nothing. Not a darn thing. I roll over and cuddle up to his back. Then, the line that I LEAST expected to hear:
BD: Megs, I’m tired.
That’s it?! I’M TIRED?? I’M FREAKING TIRED??!!! I punched him in the shoulder, told him he wasn’t getting any for the rest of the MONTH if I had anything to do with it, and went to the living room to watch Law and Order reruns. Of course this morning, he sheepishly apologized and tried to make amends, to which I said “No Dice”. Let him just try to live this one down. I do not forget easily mister.