Friday, June 27, 2008

I Heart Trans-Fats

Tonight, I am going to the fair. I'm going to eat greasy food, make fun of the trashy girls, and get sick on the Gravitron. It is going to be PHE-nomenal. That is, if this blasted rain will stop. Fortunately, it appears to be passing quickly and should blow over. (It better - I've been excited about this for weeks!) I thrive on county fairs. Where else can you win a goldfish, get your name airbrushed on a license plate, and see guys who have pornographic tattoos over 75% of their bodies??!! It's amazing! Last year of course, the Muffin was too little to truly appreciate the wonderful-ness of the County Fair, but this year the little man is gonna get schooled!

I ordered a Beach Tent today for our upcoming sojourn. This is when I hate being so anal about being prepared for EVERYTHING. I have to have a Plan A, a Plan B, and then a Plan B-1 just in case. Although I do think this tent thing was a wise purchase. My bff Ames came back from the beach and told me that they charge a ridiculous amount to rent beach umbrella's, so I figured the tent would be well worth it. I've already got a running shopping list in my head of all the things we need, although I'm going to have to get everything on the sly. For some reason, BabyDaddy thinks it doesn't make sense to spend more preparing for a trip than the actual trip itself. I don't get that.

The Muffin is in the "parrot" phase. I adore it! He repeats everything--He's taken up calling BD by his first name which I think is hilarious. I guess I yell at him too much... Anytime the little man wants something, he'll go through the house shouting "Kev! KEEEeeeeevv!". Of course, BD does not find this especially amusing, and is constantly replying, "DADDY. I'm Daddy." :) He's also started saying "Aw MAN!" whenever he thinks he is going to get in trouble, which also makes me giggle. However, it usually means something dramatic has happened, (dropped my jewelry in the toilet, called Taiwan on my cell phone, etc.) so I usually scamper pretty quickly when I hear him say those words.

All right -- I'm nearing the end of my lunch hour, so I'll be off. I'll be sure to update later on the events of this evening!!

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