1) Answer my cell phone when it rings. And when I can't answer it, listen to my voice-mails at least once a week and return ALL my calls.
Bless those poor souls who try to call me--It pains me to admit that on one, not-so-long-ago day, I found myself wading through 18 voice messages. "Meg, it's Mom. I just wanted to let you know I made it home safely. Call me when you get this." ****** "Meggie, it's Mom. In case you were wondering, I'm home now. Safely. Just in case you were wondering." ******"Hey Meg, it's Jess. Is your cell working? Call me back kay?!" *******"It's your mother. I'm no longer calling to tell you I'm home. I'm calling now to lecture you about your phone etiquette. Please call me back so I can yell at you. That is all." You pretty much get the picture. Anyway, if you call me, I WILL answer my calls if it is humanly possible, and if I can't, I WILL call you back in a timely manner.
2) Love my husband more. Well, maybe just treat him a little better. But just a little.
I have to hand it to the Baby Daddy. Props to you for putting up with me for five years! (Now, only three of that has been married and living together, which is a heck of a lot harder than just 'dating' me.) I am a self-admitted gossip whore, drama diva, and my favorite quote is, "If it's not about me, I'd rather not discuss it." :) OOOooooh, that's my next resolution -- be less shallow. Anyway, I like to give the Baby Daddy a hard time in life, as he will readily inform you, but I love him more than I ever thought possible. He cleans my hair out of the tub drain, organizes my shoes in rows according to size and occasion, and he does laundry! He only quietly grumbles when I turn the thermostat down to 65, or when I scream at him that because I want to go to Kohls, he should want to go to Kohls too! He makes me laugh when I'm feeling pouty, and he watches endless episodes of bad reality TV when I demand it. (I think I should stop there. He's sounding like he has the soul of Mother Theresa, while I'm beginning to resemble Lucifer himself. I'm not that bad, really!) Just so you know, he has a horrible temper, so there!
3) Be less shallow.
As I've already elaborated above regarding my vices, most of which revolve around my self-centeredness, I don't feel the need to delve into it any further. You probably haven't gotten over hating me from the last paragraph.
4) Blog more -- You do love hearing about my life, don't you? Mmmm, I thought so.
I do love blogging, but I have not been very good about posting lately. I always feel so much better after I do, almost how I would think a good Catholic would feel after confession. I've gotten out all my evil thoughts, so I'm free to return to my regularly scheduled life. Plus, I was inspired by a blog link that my mom sent me this week. http://www.midlifegals.blogspot.com/ (If you love the sarcastic, profanity-laced ramblings of two middle-aged sisters, this blog is for you!) They are too funny!
5) Do something to improve my life--like live it.
Life is too short to be doing things that don't make you completely happy. You may not believe it after all my very loud, very opinionated rants, but I allow myself at times to be walked on. **gasp** I think it stems from my complete aversion to conflict and change. I'd rather do anything to avoid them. So, sometimes I will do things, like tell my hairstylist "I just LOVE the new cut", rather than say, "this style makes me look like Fran Drescher in the bad years of 'The Nanny' and I hate it". Or go along with something like a church or a job that doesn't fulfill me just because I don't want to go through the hassle of starting again. I have made up my mind to be proactive in my life. No more sitting around and going with the flow. I am going to change things that can be better.
Well, that pretty much sums it up. I'll report back in March to let you know how I'm doing. :)
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