We had a great New Year's Eve as well--we spent it with my fave office buddy AS, her hubby JS, and the Lil' Diva herself. :) The kiddos went to bed, and then the four of us played "Battle of the Sexes" until we almost peed our pants from laughing so hard. Apparently, my baby daddy has a girlie side. He knew all kinds of alarming things that manly men would never admit to. In order to fully comprehend the hilarious-ness that went down, please refer to the following excerpt:
AS: Okay guys, next question. Which is to be applied first, lip liner, or lip-stick?
Baby Daddy: (without a moment's hesitation) THE LINER! IT'S THE LINER! THE LINER IS ALWAYS FIRST!
(We all look at him with blank, somewhat surprised stares, then Baby Daddy turns to JS)
Baby Daddy: So, yeah, you knew that too, right buddy? Right? I mean, you DID KNOW THAT DIDN'T YOU?!
JS: (Like a true man) Uh, nope.
It was truly the most fun I've had in a while. And congrats to us for winning and proving once again that females are superior!! We finished up whopping the boys around 11:30, which is when the bebe' decided to wake up and join us. Miraculously, he was acting like an angel, and not at all fussy. He even watched the ball drop with us for the new year! It was great to be off work and get to spend time with the bebe' and Baby Daddy. I'll admit, I almost got a little teary at the thought of going back to work, but somehow I drug myslef in, and only have one more day until the weekend. Yaaaaaay!
I also began my class this week, which has been interesting. The whole online format is really different for me, but I think I'm going to enjoy it. I just completed my first homework assignment tonight. I am so proud of myself!!
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