I am thankful for spray tans -- what's not to love? You walk into the big shiny booth a Pale Patty and walk out 1 minute and 45 seconds later as brown as a biscuit. (And because I paid the extra $5 bucks for the 'Hydrating/Anti-Aging/Skin Firming/Smell good spray which gets sand-blasted on after the tan, I only vaguely smelled like cat pee when I left.) I am thankful for party dresses and catty heels, and an evening out at 'The Ball' with BabyDaddy. I am thankful that even though the DJ left a bit to be desired, (I think that during the entire night, he played one song -- you heard me -- ONE SONG that was produced in the past decade), BD was not 'too cool' to dance to Bette Midler and the Supremes. Who knew you could booty dance to R-E-S-P-E-C-T? Oh yes, yes you can. I am thankful for a day spent in sweatpants with the Muffin. I swear, that kid is a 24-hour comedy channel. I am thankful that this time next week, I will be a beach blogger. Sweet goodness, next weekend cannot get here fast enough. I am thankful for books that take you away to another place, and then drop you back off in reality a little bit changed. (If you're looking for one, I highly recommend "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett.) I am thankful for today.

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