Coming home today after finalizing my equal parts exciting and stomach churning decision, my son promptly attempted to give himself a concussion. Seriously. He is now walking everywhere, and he's darn fast too. Tonight, as we were playing in the kitchen, he pulls himself to his feet and begins to lurch toward the other end of the room--and specifically, the stove. As quickly as I can get to my feet to grab him, he has grabbed the stove handle,pulled it down, and has fallen flat on his back...hitting his head on the tile floor. And, I think, a plastic teething toy. He immediately starts to wail, and I scoop him up. I run my fingers along the back of his head to see if I can feel a bump, and I think I feel a dent instead. I remember hearing somewhere that if it swells out it's good, and swelling in is bad. In a panic, I call my Mom, who reassures me. At this point, the muffin is calm and patting me on the back, (literally, that's his new thing to show you he's happy) and humming a nonsense tune. Still a little freaked, I get online and Google "concussion". Vomiting? Nope. Pupils of equal size? (I get out the Baby Daddy's EMT kit and find his pen light) Equal size--check. (The bebe', delighted with this contraption, begins to chew on the bulb.) Confusion/Disorientation? I watch at the bebe' clicks the light on and off while laughing hysterically.... No confusion. Unusual lethargy or crying? The bebe' toddles over to the wall and proceeds to begin efforts at prying the outlet covers from the sockets, then runs over to shake his chest of drawers, then heads to the toy chest to retrieve a stuffed animal.....hmmmm. Nope--don't think we're dealing with lethargy. I'm now guessing the dent was already there in the first place. Now that I think about it, he always did have kind of a knotty head.