bebe's nose is
definately "a nose in need".... He has a cold, poor thing! His very first, and hopefully, the last for a long time. Talk about some serious misery! Ugh! Bless his ever-
lovin' heart--he's tried to be a trooper, but it's a bit difficult when you've got twin snot tracks running down your face into your mashed potatoes... The first night, I was zero for four: he couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't drink, and couldn't even suck on his
paci. I felt like we were back at the Newborn Stage, (that crazy, sleepless,
walkin' around like a zombie with a baby zombie attached at the chest stage)...he was up every 2 hours ALL. NIGHT. LONG. Lemme tell you about what a long night THAT was. The next day, we brought in the real fighters. My tried and true, weapons of mass cold destruction. My favorite heavy hitters are as follows, (and you need to stock up on these, my Canadian cousin! Be ready!) :

This stuff is capital W-O-N-D-O-R-F-U-L. It even makes me feel better. Throw three caps of this is a warm bath, and it will clear your baby's, your husband's, and even your dog's sinuses.

Anything by the "Little" guys, (Little Tummies, Little Fevers) is amazing. Even with the Humidifier, his lil' schnozz gets pretty darn dry and icky. A few drops of this, paired with a good bulb syringe, and that snot can kiss it's slimy bootie goodbye.
A neat thing--I had no idea this existed until I bumped into it while making a grab for some
Vicks Babyrub. This made our whole house smell like a cough drop, but I swear it helped the muffin breathe better. Plus, it's a cool night light too.

According to our Pediatrician, there's nothing better than a good dose of Dimetapp. And she was right. After the first night of misery, I picked up a bottle of this miracle stuff at Walgreen's, and boy was I glad I did. And the bebe' didn't act like it was a cruel and unusual punishment to take it either...
Throw all this together with some quality 'Snuggle Time' and any baby should be well on the road to recovery. Thankfully, my little Muffin has made great improvements over the past few days, and even though you can tell he doesn't feel quite up to par just yet, he's getting there. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go wipe a runny nose!
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