Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Favorite Things!

It's been a while since the last time I posted a "My Favorite Things" list, and I'd say we're well overdue. For a little intro, the past week has been a blur (a good blur mind you), so that explains why you've had a Meg-free seven days. The Muffin turned three - we won't talk about it a lot, lest I tear up AGAIN -- and we had a wonderful party with family and friends, but it pretty much had my panties in a twist for most of last week. Ya'll know how I stress about things now... However, it ended up being a weekend of good fun and lots of laughs, (thanks a lot to an impromptu sleep-over with several of the party guests and a good deal of great wine). Since I'm now thoroughly encased in my annual winter rut (no more holidays, birthdays, or parties to look forward to for a while), I thought I would think back over some of my most recent "favorite things":

A handmade birthday card from my Nanny to the Muffin

The Muffin's planet night-light. This was an el-cheapo $5 Wal-Mart purchase, but we have had so much fun laying in bed and looking at our 'universe' each night!

Foam Pits -- After the Muffin's bday swaree' at the Gymnastics gym, I have decided that I want to rip up my living room floor and install one of these babies.
Denman's 3-Row Styling Comb - my very dear, (and uber stylish) friend Laura introduced me to this little marvel while visiting for the Muffin's bday. Of course, the bane of all television news personalities is flat hair, so Laura - being our home-town celebrity and all - uses it to always look fab on the air. I was amazed after a quick back-comb from this baby, I had 'Bump-It' worthy hair all afternoon without the Bump-It! (The comb is a mere $2.99 at Sally's Beauty Supply, compared to $9.99 for the Bump-It.)

Coffee Mug I made at Polka Dot Pots with the Muffin and BD. I drink out of it every day at work!

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